Spotify: Duo Love Songs

We were tasked with bringing awareness to Spotify’s new Premium Duo plan, designed specifically for couples, in a shareable digital experience.
We created “The Ultimate Love Experience” - a site designed to help you curate a playlist for you and that special someone. The site helps you to create a personalized playlist with customizable covers that match your shared music taste and relationship. Users are given the opportunity to create custom-made cover art featuring… their faces. All of the chosen designs had to live within the genre of cheesy couple photography and/or familiar love tropes. The typography was inspired by popular albums covers of the past as well as music genre-based typography we all know and love.
Also, fun fact: the experience blew up organically on TikTok.
2.8M views on the #duolovesongs on TikTok
5.1m page views
Visitors from 193 countries - US by far the #1, followed by UK, FR & IT
Thousands of adorable comments on TikTok and Twitter from around the world